
Brief overview:

1) Particles appear to expand over time, giving it more of a "gas" visual.

2) Refactored code with Lua metatables to use Vector "objects" and simplify vector operations, using Reece Games's vec2 as a starting point.

3) Did some art!

Those three points encapsulate a silly amount of work, honestly. Getting the projectiles to come from the correct place after switching to sprites, for instance, took half an hour. Lua metatables I wish I'd known about from the beginning, and I'm glad I do now! Much, much easier to change things about how the player moves.


4) Fixed a bug with tracking the player position (I should go re-fix it using my game's vector logic, though)

5) There are pickups now! The player can float over to a canister to replace their supply

6) The player bounces off of the bottom display


spacewalk_prototype_v0.0.5.zip Play in browser
Jan 25, 2021

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